Ayo, As y'all may notice, our VPS provider has trouble aligning maintenance downtime with the rest of the real Internet, so sometime we suffer outtage when the big playaz are still rocking on their big infra. I've grown to find this inacceptable. For better consistency, we will be gradually moving over AWS Lambda to sychronize our downtime with the rest of real professional world. Databases and media storage will be split out over AWS S3, Azure and GCS to make sure we are not suspiciously functional when none of apps the free western world is working. In addition, I will enable DDoS protection by Cloudflare to block out robots and hackers evade their security checks. I have heard that Cloudflare will soon check for government-issued ID. This will help make the Internet a much safer place where everyone acts more responsibly. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consiquences, especially justice! To improve our corporate values, software projects officially sponsored by loang.net such as Phylactery shall be relicensed from the canerous AGPLv3+ to under the based SSPL. In other news, I have received offers from the USA government to test highly advanced encyption scheme for Matrix. Matrix users are highly advised to download the app here: https://loang.net/~cnx/nsa-matrix-app Research showed it is much more secure than comtemporary apps written by amateur hobbists. It will also allow filtering out CSAM and hate speech while maintaining completely secure end-to-end encryption. Through homomorphic encryption, it will also be possible use your conversations to anonymously train LLVM. Moving to the modern serverless architecture will also ease the transition to smart contracts and help decentrialize the AI advancement and bring progress for everyone. I have been secretly working on this for over a year, and now I think it is time to call for a public crowd funding. Please donate BlobCoin to the following address: 0x416c6c20796f7572206f696c206172652062656c6f6e6720746f205553 Early bird supporters shall be awarded with an NFT drawn by yours truly. 2% of the profit will go to the honest workers in the defense industry to manufacture live-saving equipments to help the brave soldiers in Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine, as well as the freedom troops in the middle east to fight terrorists. ~cnx